1/ What is Corporate Finance?

Before introducing the corporate finance certification service, we would like to share a few lines about "corporate finance," although it is not a new term and has already been defined extensively on the internet or in some other public information. You can also refer to Wikipedia: Corporate finance.

What is corporate finance? In English, the term "corporate finance" is used to describe clearly the tools or activities directly related to the financial system of a business, such as using capital for investment, production, business, or capital contributions, fundraising activities from various sources, activities related to the assets of the enterprise, cash, working capital, legal provisions...

When looking at the financial information of a company, one can understand how the cash flow in the company is operated and managed, the business activities of the company, and the manufacturing aimed at generating profits, turning the capital of cash flow.

Similarly, with the concepts and explanations above, we also understand that those involved in corporate finance will include carrying out: cash flow management, capital management, financial reporting, market analysis, profit and loss reporting,... from which there will be policies, balanced strategies, and audits to manage the cash flow in the company, bringing the company development.

2/ What is Corporate Financial Certification?

Corporate financial certification is the procedure to complete the documentation to prove the financial capacity of the enterprise. It includes verifying assets, proving cash, equity, capital or equivalent assets of the company, verified by legal documents recognized by laws inside and outside the country as well as by other companies, enterprises, and organizations.

As you may know, many companies now need to prove their financial status, prove the credit balance of the enterprise, prove the equity... for purposes such as bidding for projects, obtaining licenses for project implementation, and other related issues such as proving matching funds, proving the legal capital of the enterprise...

Today, when your company needs to bid for a large project, the requirement is that your company must confirm the account balance or prove that the assets are highly liquid equivalent to cash.

Although in terms of procedures, processes, and compliance with regulations, it is so. However, in reality, not every company has enough financial capacity, self-owned assets to complete the certification process. Our corporate financial certification service is launched to assist businesses in quickly, safely, and legally completing these issues.

Above is some understanding of corporate finance for your reference and hopefully, it will be helpful to readers!