1. Stock Market

The Federal Reserve's decision to raise interest rates during its meeting in June has contributed to signs of recovery in the stock market in the latter half of 2023.

  1. Real Estate Market

In 2023, investors are watching and waiting for opportunities, while real estate developers are struggling to settle bank debts, bonds, and even pushing them into default. Experts predict that the real estate market may recover in the latter half of 2023 when the government implements policies to ease market difficulties.

  1. Foreign Exchange Market

The U.S. raising interest rates has led to the depreciation of the Vietnamese dong, while Vietnam is a significant importer of goods. In response to this situation, the State Bank of Vietnam may have to accept the devaluation of the Vietnamese dong.

  1. Gold Market

The current global crises and difficulties provide favorable conditions for pushing gold prices upward. Although the Vietnamese gold market follows the main trend of the global market, domestic gold prices are significantly different from international prices, hence posing various risks.

  1. Bank Deposit Channel

Currently, the increase in deposit interest rates benefits depositors but also poses a burden on borrowers' finances. These borrowers could be businesses or individuals borrowing money to buy houses, cars, or for consumer loans.

According to experts' assessments, the main trend in the market in 2023 continues to be "tightening the belt," focusing on capital preservation rather than expansion or risky investments. Therefore, investors need to carefully assess their investment portfolios to ensure suitability.